Thursday 21 February 2013

It Didn't Hurt.

Here I am once again. Day 2 of blogging. As I spent some time playing around trying to get a feel for what I think would make an appealing looking blog. It got me thinking back to the time when one's diary would just be a spiral bound notebook, or if you were fancier, a book with a lock to keep one's secrets hidden.
Growing up, I had a book that I would write in, sort of journal of my daily going ons. It was mostly started because of I couldn't remember what I had done on the weekend, because of drinking heavily with friends. That book was a green plastic folder that I had received in Grade 9, apparently it was to be a handy tool for us students to keep our writing ideas in. I would like to think that I used it to the best of my ability,  I still have it. It still keeps my some of my thoughts in it, but mostly it holds a pictures of my highschool chums, with our permed 80's hair and loud sweaters. And if a stranger was to get their hands on my green folder, the stranger should be warned, there is a note attached letting stranger know that the green folder shan't be tampered with. I feel I don't need a lock on the green folder, the angry note should scare off any potential peekers. That being said, if stranger did decide to peek inside, stranger would be surprise that I still have a picture of "Wild Child" the male stripper (which is a whole other story) embedded amongst the lined paper that makes it home in the green folder.
I have gone off the beaten path time to get back and check in. I have looked at other blogs, and some are really nice,  fun looking, tons of photos, crazy lettering, quite littered with ideas about cooking and crafting, doing fun things with children, and  DYI projects. It was quite overwhelming, to the point of it almost sent me packing, I haven't got that kind of time. When does one watch TV? So I have made a decision for the moment. My blog will be bland. It will focus on my writing, my story telling abilities. I will keep it void of pictures, ( because to be quite honest, I haven't got the faintest clue how to do that, and I do watch TV so I don't have the time to be taking pictures every minute of the day) My blog will be neat and tidy, for now, until  I learn how to make a mess out of it. And by "mess", I will try to leave a virtual sock lying about, and my virtual pants, on the virtual floor. Do blogs have virtual cleaning ladies?
So here's to Day 2 of blogging. It didn't hurt a bit. Pretend you have a glass in your hand and I have a glass in my hand and together we make the "clinking" sound.

From the 4th line,

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