Wednesday 27 November 2013

Oh, Baby!!

     M stole a baby. Let's all remember that M is not quite 3 years old. Still a baby himself in my eyes. M doesn't believe he stole a baby, in his eyes, he was saving baby. Baby was snatched or I should say rescued from a closet where she was living in a box that was filled with Legos. Baby also lives with one of my cleaning clients who kept toys in one closet for when nieces and nephews came to visit. My cleaning client's  nieces and nephews are now grown and no longer play with the toys in the closet. So, I like to think that M thought he was doing Baby a favour by saving her from a lifetime of sitting in a dark closet in a box with sharp cornered Lego poking at her rubber limbs. It's not that M snatched her maliciously, he didn't stuff her under his shirt and tip toe out the door. It happened all very innocently, "Baby come home with me."  Baby came home with us.
     Baby was only supposed to stay with us for two weeks, and then go back to my client's house,  but she has managed to extend her stay to 3 months. Now, it's like we are fostering her, which I don't mind, she requires no maintenance at all. She doesn't even wear clothes, except for a bib. M thought she needed to wear it, but he uses the bib to drag Baby around.
     If you have ever seen the movie Toy Story 3, M's baby looks like the Toy Story baby, but less creepy. Baby has rubber limbs and a rubber head and her skin has a lovely olive colouring to it, I like to think she comes from Italian heritage. Her body is an off white cloth, stuffed with what feels like rice, I'm pretty sure it's not rice, but it makes her squishy but still firm. Oh, her hair, is a shade of brown, moulded onto her head, she never has bed head, because her hair and head are all one piece. Her eyes are her best feature, electric navy blue, with long lashes that flutter when you lay her down or pick her up. Her lips, a perfect pout.
     Baby has been places since she has come into our lives. We call her a "she", M informed us that Baby was a girl and that he was the daddy. Baby has been grocery shopping, she's been to the bank, but mostly, she just travels around with M and waits for our return in the van. She hangs out at home with M, she enjoys watching kid shows with him, and at night she has the prime spot in bed, right beside M, only the favourites get the coveted spot, and only M seems to the rotation schedule of his thirty stuffies that congregate in his bed. I like to feel that we have enriched Baby's life since she's left the closet. I know she has enriched ours these past few months, in around about way
     A few years ago, a movie came out, that I just recently watched. It was called, "Lars and the Real Girl." Ryan Gosling played socially awkward Lars who ordered a mannequin to fulfil a void in his life. Lars took his pretend lady, "Bianca" everywhere. He had her dressed nicely, gave her an occupation, and treated Bianca as a "real" lady. At first the townsfolk where taken aback with Lars and Bianca, but soon learned that Lars needed Bianca, and the townsfolk embraced Bianca with open arms. The townspeople embraced her so much that Bianca was booked solid with people of the town keeping her busy with bowling and visiting shut ins. To make a long story short, Lars gave Bianca a sickness and she passed away, with the townspeople giving her a real funeral and letting Lars know how much Bianca had enriched their lives and how they had been taught by her.
     Sometimes I feel this way with Baby the same way Lars felt with Bianca. We treat Baby like she's real. D doesn't have the maternal instinct that M does. M usually has Baby wrapped in a blanket, usually because she's been crying and needs her mommy. The mommy is me. Yes, I carry Baby. Only for a minute, I let M know that Baby is quiet, so I sit her down. D doesn't treat Baby like a football. He isn't punting her around like he does with other stuffies. D and M seem to have a mutual understanding that D is to keep his mitts off of Baby. In fact D tries to help M out with Baby, by picking her up, usually by a foot, and dropping her on the couch. Last night, Baby came out to D's swimming lesson. The dad about the house had Baby wait in the vehicle while we were all in the pool area. I really don't know what the dad about the house was thinking, leaving her in a cold van like that, and when I voiced this concern, he reminded meand rolled his eyes at me, that she had a blanket. "Rather she freeze in the van, than lose her at the pool."
     Today, Baby hurt her head. M told me so. I asked him if she needed a band aid and M responded with a "No." Doctor D was on duty. And then the things that happen when I leave the room. When I came back into the kitchen, Baby was lying with her back down on the kitchen table. M was sitting on the kitchen table, hammer in hand. Doctor D, was sitting on a kitchen chair with a screw driver...square head. I can only assume that an operation was taking place. I guess I saved Baby's life when everyone needed to head out the door to begin the day.
     I'm not quite sure what will happen to Baby. Maybe her fate will be that of Bianca's,  M will have her grow sick and then just pass away. Or maybe I'll  just take her home, to her rightful home, back to the closet with the box of Lego.

From the 4th line,

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