Wednesday 12 February 2014

Excuses A'Plenty

     Hey!! I've been away for a bit. Took a break to enjoy the holidays with family and friends. In one week I had three parties at my house! That's a bit much even for me, and then I grew very, very tired. The pre Christmas and New Year's prep work  wiped me out, and then came the actual holidays and they wiped me out even more, so I stopped doing things and concentrated on what I do best. The people who know me the best will be able to answer what I do best...and if those people answered, "WATCH TV!!!!" those people will be right and they are now high fiving each other.
     I got into a movie marathon of Harry Potter. I'm so not current on movies, and everyone has watched Harry Potter, but me. I found myself with all the Harry Potter movies at my doorstep, begging to be watched, and so I did. I hunkered on down in my big comfy chair and watched all seven movies in basically 15 minutes increments, day in and day out. It took me a month and a half to get through them all, because my children can not watch them with me, as my  3 year old son M says, "It's scwary." What I wanted to say back to the 3 year old M is this, "You came downstairs with a blanket, put it over your head so you can't see the scary parts." But the good mom in me, would shut Harry off so that my boys' heads would not be filled with dementors at night and I would not end up being so, so, very tired from my boys who would not sleep because I was already so, so, tired from parties. So, I had to watch Harry when my boys were in bed, and because I was so very, very, tired, I too, went to bed neglecting even my movie duties. Thus, the explanation of why I had not written anything of great length in a very long time. Just a side note...Harry Potter, the movies were excellent. I may  need to read the books.
     The cold. The cold weather came and I know it's winter, I don't usually complain about winter, I rather like it, but it was utterly, bitterly, cold. You know that kinda of cold, when you sniff your nose when you're outside and your nostrils stick together, gets inside your bones,  that good old fashioned kind of cold. This super cold weather made my house cold, really cold. Now, this year we put in a wood stove, to help keep the kitchen warmer and it's doing its job, doesn't really keep the rest of the house warm. The living room is decent temperature but as you move further away from the wood stove and into other rooms, well, they are a tad bit on the chilly side. The upstairs is the Arctic!! Everyone sleeps with some sort of heating device, the high school daughter C has an electric blanket, the boy D, has his bag that you heat up in the microwave, and M has a hot water bottle. I learned to embrace long underwear. The dad about the house is keeping warm by grinning away at how low his oil and electric bills are this winter.  This cold weather made my old farm house cold inside, which meant that I did not want to expose my digits to type anything. I had both hands in my pockets and I wasn't about to give anyone a high five or play the piano.
     A few months ago I was joking with dad about the house, the wood stove was new, the cold was upon us, not the freaking cold....normal cold, the house was a balmy 72 degrees and the dad was grinning away. Grinning away as he opened his hydro bill and noticed how we had saved on energy by turning off a few out buildings for the winter. I joked with him, "Before to long, you'll have us walking around with oil lamps and reading by candlelight." And then when the oil bill came in and it was not what it was last year, the dad once again had a grin. With the furnace not coming on and us relying on the wood stove for heat, I joked  with him again. "Buffalo robes! Before to long, you'll have us living like pioneers. I'm cooking on the wood stove, heating the house with wood, you're dimming the lights, what's next? Buffalo robes?!
     Buffalo robes did not appear, and I so wished for some buffalo robes this winter. With my upstairs being the Arctic, it's a mad dash to the bed, to get under covers, and don't let your feet touch the floor! I think some nights I could see my breath, the dad said I was exaggerating, but it was and still is on the frigid side up there. There is nothing that wakes you up better than slipping on your ice cold bra, a cold pair of socks and doing the mad dash down the stairs to finish getting dressed in the washroom, where the nice heated floor is located.
     See? Not too exciting. I haven't travelled anywhere, I haven't done anything of great extravagance, I just have the two excuses as why I haven't blogged, it was that darn Harry Potter,  and the cold.

From the 4th line,

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