Monday 20 October 2014

Checking off the list....

I managed to get a few things accomplished in my procrastination stage of the day. I did fold three massive loads of laundry and managed to put it all away. Pat on the back for me!! I did the dishes, but not right away, I waited till the boy and I had lunch, so another pat on the back for me...I conserved some water and did the dishes! I didn't vacuum, but I did sweep my kitchen floor, another pat on the back....conserved some hydro!

I did manage some time wasters in there as well. I spent a lot of time surfing the Internet learning about essential oils and where to buy the best ones. Placed an order for some lemon oil and PMS oil, because the skeptic in me needs to try new things out and see if they work, not because some random lady post a great review on a product. If anything, that absorbed a great chunk of my time, I haven't started picking up toys, and I did think about painting that lone stripe, but my head moved on to other places. 

Completely off topic, I notice on my stats dashboard, which by the way, I don't fully understand,  readers drop by my blog and have a poke around. Next time you are in my neck of the woods. so to speak, leave a hello comment! That would be very neighbourly of you! 
Time to get back at that list!

From the 4th line,

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