Sunday 21 December 2014

Sunday Mornings that make you go...."Hmmmm."

Let me set the scene.

It's a Sunday morning and both my lazy dudes are still in their jammies watching kid shows. I've just popped out of the shower and I've walked to the living room clad in my bathrobe of course...we aren't that kinda of family...just saying.... to check on the guys. I had left 5 year old D in charge. I notice their is a little bowl of peanuts on the floor by D.

Me: D. Watch your peanuts, you are going to spill them all of the floor.

D: They're Peanuts! Not Penis!

Me: I said peanuts!

D: No you didn't you said penis!

Me: What! No I didn't! I said....oh nevermind!

End scene.

That's all she wrote!

From the 4th line,

Monday 20 October 2014

Checking off the list....

I managed to get a few things accomplished in my procrastination stage of the day. I did fold three massive loads of laundry and managed to put it all away. Pat on the back for me!! I did the dishes, but not right away, I waited till the boy and I had lunch, so another pat on the back for me...I conserved some water and did the dishes! I didn't vacuum, but I did sweep my kitchen floor, another pat on the back....conserved some hydro!

I did manage some time wasters in there as well. I spent a lot of time surfing the Internet learning about essential oils and where to buy the best ones. Placed an order for some lemon oil and PMS oil, because the skeptic in me needs to try new things out and see if they work, not because some random lady post a great review on a product. If anything, that absorbed a great chunk of my time, I haven't started picking up toys, and I did think about painting that lone stripe, but my head moved on to other places. 

Completely off topic, I notice on my stats dashboard, which by the way, I don't fully understand,  readers drop by my blog and have a poke around. Next time you are in my neck of the woods. so to speak, leave a hello comment! That would be very neighbourly of you! 
Time to get back at that list!

From the 4th line,
Arlene my middle name

No, not really. I have a biblical middle name, but today, procrastination is the name of the game.

What I should be doing....folding clothes that are brimming over in three laundry baskets.
                                          -finish painting that one lonely orange stripe in the boy's room and declaring that room officially painted and done!
                                           -vacuuming the floors, especially the kitchen floor, because at my house no one knows how to take their shoes off when they walk in. Not only do I have leaves on the floor, but sand, some mud, and a few stones.
                                           -dishes. I really loathe doing dishes.
                                            -putting away the crap that gets left everywhere on every surface. Stuff at my house have different homes, so you can never find things where you last put them.

What am I doing instead of this....sitting on my couch surfing the Internet.
                                                       -watching Wild Kratts with the other little guy.
                                                       -drinking coffee and thinking I might need another coffee.
                                                       -applying some lip gloss, I need to look good while I procrastinate.
                                                       -looking at what need to do from the view of my couch.
                                                       -looking for my get up and go. I'm not sure where I left it.
                                             more sitting, just get up and go to it. The list has been made, the sooner I get up and start I can do what want this afternoon. I go....maybe later.'s like a toy bomb exploded in my house and the even the dog didn't survive.

From the 4th line,

Saturday 18 October 2014

Please Hold....

"The number you are trying to reach is currently out of service. Please hang up and try this number again."

"The person you are trying to reach is currently unavailable. At the tone, leave a message or press pound for further options."

The current situation of my blog. Procrastination is my middle name.....

From the 4th line,

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Let Me Tell You a Bit about Judith.

     I never thought this early on in my blogging hobby that I would have to write an apology and a retraction all in the same post. Wonders never do cease! I have to do both, retract, and apologise because the other  month I learned something new.

     In my previous post I wrote about C and how she thought a book of the bible was called "Judith" and then quickly learned while rifling through her bible that indeed there was not a book called Judith. Well, not in our King James version of the Bible, nor was the book of Judith found in the New International version and we took peek in the little Gideon Bible and Judith was not found anywhere. We looked in all of our Christian/Protestant standard bibles that we have in the house and no Judith. I am now standing corrected.

     How was I corrected? Very nicely, by a cleaning client of mine, who has bible knowledge that is much much greater than mine, that every time I chat with my cleaning client I walk away knowing a little more than when I walked in.

     I did a quick Google search on the book of Judith and indeed there is a book in the bible called Judith. Who would have thunk it? Not me! I do know that Catholic bibles have a few extra books in their bibles that Christian bibles don't have. Now I don't know why that is, I have not gone to seminary nor is that in my grand plan for the future. But, I do know a little bit about Catholics, like just a teeny tiny bit and I'm going to get to that part in a minute. Now for the retraction part of this blog and little FYI.

     I'm going to tell you a bit about Judith, that mysterious and wise woman Judith.  I'm not going to write a lot about her , because you can do your own Google Search and read it for yourself. Plus I have the apology part of this blog that I need to get to at some point otherwise C will be a teenager full of extra angst.

     According to Wikipedi, this woman Judith was a daring and beautiful widow, and she was mad at her fellow Jewish countrymen for not trusting God to save them from their enemies. Judith and her loyal maid (why does the maid have to go too? I don't get that.)  head off to the enemy camp and basically, with her feminine ways and her allure, promises the General of the enemy camp  information on the Israelites which are her people. When she gains the General's trust with her allure, the General invites Judith into his tent  for a lovely nightcap...very "Loveboat" style. Well, the General can't hold his liquor, and Judith, she does what all daring ticked off widows do, she decapitates the General and brings his head home as as a trophy. The enemy just can't keep it together without their leader so they disperse, and Israel is saved. There's a lesson here, always send a woman in to do a man's job. Nuff said about Judith, and no one really knows if this story of Judith is fact or fiction.

     Now for the apology part:

Dear C,
     Sorry for not believing you about the book of Judith. Seriously, who would have thought that your Catholic brain would have kicked in overpowering your Protestant brain? You have only been to a Catholic church a handful of times, when you were little. I guess it's true, little brains are sponges and soak everything in, and you soaked in some Catholic knowledge and didn't even know it. Don't use it all up, your Catholic knowledge may come in handy one day, you may never know when you need that information, like when you are on a game show or a trivia contest that's being held at a bar in unversity.
Once again, so sorry for doubting you and thank goodness for Google.
Love Mom.

     As for C's Catholic brain, she's a bit of an Irish Rover song, but in reverse. The Irish Rover version is, "Oh, it is the greatest mix up that you have ever seen, me father he was Orange and me mother she was Green." In C's case, her mother she is Orange and her father he is Green.  Orange being Protestant, and Green being Catholic.

     As a little girl, C would be sent every once and awhile to visit her Green grandma, and Green grandma would bring C to church with her...Catholic church, a very cute Catholic church on top of a hill. For the most part, C didn't ever mind going to the Catholic church, which was so different from her own Orange church. She was a keen observer of Catholic rituals, from the kneeling, the standing, more kneeling, the light in the little box, the stained glass windows, kneeling again, and the wafers people received at communion.

     Oh, that wafer, it holds such disappointment in C's eyes. For years she watched people go up to see the priest, receive the blessing, the wafer, and walk back to their pew, savouring their little morsel of goodness, in C's eyes, lip smacking goodness. She waited her turn patiently for a few years, and finally one glorious Sunday morning, it was her turn to be invited up with her Green grandma to receive what all the other parishioners were receiving, that little morsel of lip smacking goodness that the priest slid onto their lips.

     "It's not chocolate Mom." Is what I heard when C came home from Green grandma's house. "All these years, and waiting for my turn to go up and get a piece of chocolate, and it's not chocolate at all. It's just a dry piece of nothing. I thought people were getting something good, it looked like something that would melt in your mouth, like white chocolate. I thought it was a white chocolate wafer, like the kind you get at the Bulk Barn store. It's not."

     From that moment on, the Green part of C's brain was turned off and the Orange part was back upfront and centre. She felt as if she had been lied to and never returned to the little Catholic church on top of the hill. Although, she did mention if the Catholic church did start handing out pieces of chocolate, she would consider going back. I told her not to hold her breath.

     Thus concludes our story of Judith, that wise, daring and apparently beautiful woman. I hope you all leave this blog a little wiser in the Orange and the Green. :)

From the 4th line,




Friday 25 April 2014

Just one moment please.....

     Please bear with all. I have been super busy reading the book of Judith, which to my surprise does exist! I have a retraction slated to be posted ASAP.

     I will get back to blogging as soon as my children are done with the barfy flu and I don't have laundry to catch up on, whilst I also run around spraying Lysol on everything. Oh yes, a nasty sinus infection kept me on the down low as well.

     I'll let you know how the book of Judith turns out.

     Now back to your regular schedulded program.

From the 4th line,

Friday 28 February 2014

Who's JUDITH???

     This tale took place not on the 4th line, it took place on a street, in the little white house we used to live in. The little white house that became too small for our growing family. Fun times happened on the street and street tales need to be told too.
     Ah.... darling C. So many things can be said about C, my endearing high school daughter. Nice things can be said, not so nice things can be said, but for today I'm going to stick to the laughable things that can be said about C. For a long time, she did not find this so humorous, but I beg to differ, it's funny, it's become a bit of an inside joke for my family and I'm going to let you all in on it. Jokes are much more fun when everybody is in on them!

     Cue the going back in time music, the wavy coloured lines, because I'm going to take you back a few years, five years to precise, when C was just a wee girl, on the edge of teenage hood and when of course she knew it all.

     Now just for arguments sake, I'm going to say that this occurrence happened on a Wednesday evening. I can't really remember the exact day, but Wednesday is in the middle of the week, so I feel as if Wednesday is a friendlier day, not quite the start of the week, not quite the end, but a good well rounded day. To make the picture a little bit more clear for all, I had a baby boy, a brand spanking new baby boy, the first of two boys. I'll save that story for another day. Which means I still had control over the TV. See? I can pretty much incorporate TV into any situation or have anything happen and relate it to a show on TV, usually I can bring it back to a Seinfeld episode, or an old Simpson episode, even the Flintstones. You get the point and I'll get back to my point.

     The TV show Jeopardy was. The game show, where Alex Trebek is the host and the player needs to answer in a form of a question, there are different categories to pick from and if you are studious and quick to buzz in you can win big money!!!!

      Category.......? "Books of the Bible for $400 please Alex."

     I can't quite remember what the question was, but the answer was a book of the bible. Now, having grown up  going to a Christian school and going to church, I am pretty confident in my books of the bible. I one point in my life I had the old and new testament memorised, not well, the end of the old testament always throws me off, lots of big names ending in "iah" and then the odd little name thrown in like Joel, and Amos to mix up a bit. The new testament, once again it's the end, lots of first and seconds and sometimes a third apostle and lots books ending "ions". Confusing, but....I know where the books are in the bible, I don't have to spend a lot of time rifling through the pages to get to what I want, in that regards I am confident I know the books of bible.

     "Books of the Bible for $400 please Alex." Before I even had a chance to open my mouth, let's remember....a brand new baby was in my arms and I was bit slow on the draw due to lack of sleep, I was about to give the answer....when Charlotte shouted out, "The book of Judith!!!"

     I almost dropped the new baby out of arms. "The book of Judith? There's no book in the bible called Judith."
    "Oh yes there is." That response came from C complete with a knowing head bob and arms crossed in front of her.

     This is the part where I got all up her in face with a sleeping baby in my arms trying to do that yelling/whispering voice because I'm super tired because I just had a baby and someone is trying to tell me that I'm wrong. Well, I was having none of that.   "And pray tell, where do you find this book in the bible, is it in the old or new testament, because I'm telling you, in all my years of memorising bible books, never once did I come across the book of Judith."

     "There is so a book of the bible called Judith."
     "You go find your bible and you go show me the book of Judith, and if you find it I will read the book of Judith, because I am interested in what Judith has to say to me." I did my own attitude head bob with that statement.

     Off she went to her room. I heard drawers opening and closing, papers being rustled around, opening and shutting of closet doors and then, quiet in her room. The bible had been located. I heard pages being flipped back and forth and then a quiet, "ohhhhhh." She emerged from her room, bible in hand.
     "It's Jude."
     "Pardon me? What did you say? Did you say there is no book in bible named Judith? It's Jude?  Who was right? Oh me?  That's right, I told you so. Here's your lesson C, never play against me in basic bible trivia, I will win. You are forgetting that I had years of Christian schooling, going to church, not once, but twice on Sunday, years of Calvinettes, and years of dreaded catechism."
No, I wasn't a gracious winner, but it was her head bobbing attitude with her teenage ways, that brought out the mother angst in me.

     That's the family joke. We joke that if C ever teaches Sunday School, is she teaching from the book of Judith?  We joke that when it's time for her to do profession of faith in church, we hope she selects a passage from the book of Judith to read out loud for all to hear. When she gets married, we joke that her wedding scripture will be from the book of Judith, because from what we understand, that Judith is a wise and wonderful woman, much like C's mom.

From the 4th line,

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Excuses A'Plenty

     Hey!! I've been away for a bit. Took a break to enjoy the holidays with family and friends. In one week I had three parties at my house! That's a bit much even for me, and then I grew very, very tired. The pre Christmas and New Year's prep work  wiped me out, and then came the actual holidays and they wiped me out even more, so I stopped doing things and concentrated on what I do best. The people who know me the best will be able to answer what I do best...and if those people answered, "WATCH TV!!!!" those people will be right and they are now high fiving each other.
     I got into a movie marathon of Harry Potter. I'm so not current on movies, and everyone has watched Harry Potter, but me. I found myself with all the Harry Potter movies at my doorstep, begging to be watched, and so I did. I hunkered on down in my big comfy chair and watched all seven movies in basically 15 minutes increments, day in and day out. It took me a month and a half to get through them all, because my children can not watch them with me, as my  3 year old son M says, "It's scwary." What I wanted to say back to the 3 year old M is this, "You came downstairs with a blanket, put it over your head so you can't see the scary parts." But the good mom in me, would shut Harry off so that my boys' heads would not be filled with dementors at night and I would not end up being so, so, very tired from my boys who would not sleep because I was already so, so, tired from parties. So, I had to watch Harry when my boys were in bed, and because I was so very, very, tired, I too, went to bed neglecting even my movie duties. Thus, the explanation of why I had not written anything of great length in a very long time. Just a side note...Harry Potter, the movies were excellent. I may  need to read the books.
     The cold. The cold weather came and I know it's winter, I don't usually complain about winter, I rather like it, but it was utterly, bitterly, cold. You know that kinda of cold, when you sniff your nose when you're outside and your nostrils stick together, gets inside your bones,  that good old fashioned kind of cold. This super cold weather made my house cold, really cold. Now, this year we put in a wood stove, to help keep the kitchen warmer and it's doing its job, doesn't really keep the rest of the house warm. The living room is decent temperature but as you move further away from the wood stove and into other rooms, well, they are a tad bit on the chilly side. The upstairs is the Arctic!! Everyone sleeps with some sort of heating device, the high school daughter C has an electric blanket, the boy D, has his bag that you heat up in the microwave, and M has a hot water bottle. I learned to embrace long underwear. The dad about the house is keeping warm by grinning away at how low his oil and electric bills are this winter.  This cold weather made my old farm house cold inside, which meant that I did not want to expose my digits to type anything. I had both hands in my pockets and I wasn't about to give anyone a high five or play the piano.
     A few months ago I was joking with dad about the house, the wood stove was new, the cold was upon us, not the freaking cold....normal cold, the house was a balmy 72 degrees and the dad was grinning away. Grinning away as he opened his hydro bill and noticed how we had saved on energy by turning off a few out buildings for the winter. I joked with him, "Before to long, you'll have us walking around with oil lamps and reading by candlelight." And then when the oil bill came in and it was not what it was last year, the dad once again had a grin. With the furnace not coming on and us relying on the wood stove for heat, I joked  with him again. "Buffalo robes! Before to long, you'll have us living like pioneers. I'm cooking on the wood stove, heating the house with wood, you're dimming the lights, what's next? Buffalo robes?!
     Buffalo robes did not appear, and I so wished for some buffalo robes this winter. With my upstairs being the Arctic, it's a mad dash to the bed, to get under covers, and don't let your feet touch the floor! I think some nights I could see my breath, the dad said I was exaggerating, but it was and still is on the frigid side up there. There is nothing that wakes you up better than slipping on your ice cold bra, a cold pair of socks and doing the mad dash down the stairs to finish getting dressed in the washroom, where the nice heated floor is located.
     See? Not too exciting. I haven't travelled anywhere, I haven't done anything of great extravagance, I just have the two excuses as why I haven't blogged, it was that darn Harry Potter,  and the cold.

From the 4th line,